Modified direction – New blog


Hello, friends…

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted. It is quite something how teaching (and parenting teens) can take over your whole existence….so it’s always a treat to have morning time to write. What I have found this past year is a calling to shift my writing to an area that burns like a fire inside. I’m on a mission to encourage and inspire women (and girls) to achieve dreams and goals—in a phrase to “Channel Their Inner SuperGirl”. It all started when I noticed the incredible confidence, bravery and drive of the 3rd grade girls in my class–and was equally astounded by how this can go away by 5th grade, sometimes never to return. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Sometimes we just need a few new tools.

In my own journey, these tools have fallen into four areas: attitude/motivation, Goal-setting/productivity, communication skills, and diet/exercise. I’ve been doing aaaalll the reading, research, workshop-attending in the past five years and am so happy with the life I’m living. I want to share what’s worked (and not worked). I believe the dreams that little girl inside you has are valid and do-able.

I know many of you are on a quest for minimalism and I do feel that simplifying life is a huge part of achieving big dreams. It has been for me…but it’s also been more than that and I want to be completely authentic & transparent in my presence in Blog Land. I would love for you to join me on this journey.

Please visit and check it out!

With gratitude….


2 thoughts on “Modified direction – New blog

  1. Hi Lara, I too took a blogging break and am returning to writing with a little different twist. You are writing about an important topic that you are obviously passionate about. Good luck and I look forward to following your journey.

  2. Glad you’re back! Great endeavor to undertake, and yes parenting teens is exhausting in a whole different way that parenting young children!

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